Got off Skype with Coach Wu (@wuchuanfu) this morning....

Got off Skype with Coach Wu (@wuchuanfu) this morning. He’s back in Singapore with his team now leaving behind some happy attendees from his seminars in London and Manchester.

At the heart of it all, every coach teaches weightlifting regardless of the specific style. What makes the Chuanfu Chinese methodology any different? Coach Wu’s inside-out approach to teaching the lifts. Understanding specific positions is important; but without the proper accompanying feel of the movement, you’re missing out much of what weightlifting has to offer along with the ability to be able to self coach if you don’t have access to a guided eye.

Building this type of awareness is what separates the professional athletes from the rest. Coach Wu is here to share the methods and philosophy of the Chinese system as RE-purposed through his experience working with the modern day enthusiast all the way up to the professional level.

Registration for the Los Angeles (@torrancecrossfit) and San Francisco (@unitedbarbell) closes September 6th. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

LA Sept 20-21—-weekend-pass


SF Sept 28-29

*click on Events tab

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